Hiaa guys! Welcome to my new website ~ it seems you've stumbled upon my blog section!
I've had a website in the past with weebly (which is still accessible) however I've decided to start fresh and create a...bigger better website.
There was no point revamping my old one as it is probably over 5 years old now. So, a fresh start it is!
This website will be like, a hub of all my content along with some interactive content-ness.
My blogs will consist of written versions of my videos, keeping you up to date with announcements and showing off my looks. (perhaps cosplay tutorials too?)
If you head to my galleries there will be a selection of pictures ~ if you click the picture you'll be directed to a a bunch of other pictures from the same set! \^o^/ (how fancy of me!)
I hope you guys will join me on my new journey. And I hope having 1 social media creates a nice neat place for all my content and to easily keep up to date with all the junk I do ~ because lets me real....I do create a wide lot of stuff!
I can't wait to get to know you guys better and see your reactions to my new website~!
Weallstink McMillan, over and out!