So, we've been in 2018 for a few days now eh? How're yall keeping up with it?
Honestly I've had a stressful few days but I'm working hard to try and make 2018 bigger and better than 2017!
Above is the video version ~ however I'm going to go a little more indepth below \^o^/
My New Years resolutions:
1. Drink 1 Cup of Water a Day
2017 was pretty rough with drinking water, I ended up pretty much living off fizzy pop (which I'm pretty sure is having an effect on my health and ofcourse the weight gain too) Soo, in 2018 my goal is to drink 1 cup of water a day so that I can slowly cut down on my fizzy pop intake and try and get into a somewhat healthy position. I'm hoping I can sorta lose weight too with this and I guess if I drink enough water that I'm not drinking all that sugar, I'm bound to lose something!
2. Find an Editing Style That I Like
My video editing for my own channel has always been basic, despite me having the skills to edit complex stuff. As a result I'm sometimes not proud of the content I'm creating - but I'm hoping this year to turn that around! I plan to do this by looking into extra plug ins for my editing software (final cut pro) and work on finding an aesthetic that I would like to portray in my videos. I feel for this I will have to attempt a few different styles on my videos first tho until I find the one that I enjoy and like the look of the most!
3. Start Producing Fortnightly Content
I've been doing this one anyway on most months but this year I want to make sure its atleast fortnightly, aand, potentially more. By "content" in this context, I mean photosets + videos. I'm actually looking forward to jumping in and creating more content, I just really hope life doesn't get in the way of me this time!
4. To Produce Stickers
Honestly, stickers are my weakness, and I think it'd be so awesome to create some stickers! I think I'd either offer these in my etsy store to purchase or have them as little rewards to send to patrons! Having this as a goal should hopefully motivate me to make more art this year and I plan to purchase a drawing tablet soon so that I can tackle this goal head on!
5. To Produce 3 Cosplays
In 2017 I managed to make 1.5 cosplays, this year I want to make 3! As one is 50% done I guess I'm already slowly making my way to that goal. I do have a few plans in store for cosplays this year tho...

6. Be Able to Cover Extra Expenses with Patreon
Honestly I know this one is such a reach, but, this will motivate me so much more to create bigger and better content! At the beginning of 2017 I had to stop producing content as I had to dedicate my time to job searching, however in March I released my patreon and we hit the goal that allowed me to produce 1 video a month ~ we also managed to reach my goal of covering my phone bill!\^o^/
Before then I had a Chinese phone which was near to useless, the camera was 2mp and a wide angle lens (front facing camera), the screen was plastic so touch recognition was awkward too.
So, theres my essay on my 2018 goals and new years resolutions! I wonder how many I'll succeed at ✨, Whats your main goal to achieve this year?c:
~ Weallstink McMillan, over and out!