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Lets Work Together to Beat the 4K1K YouTube Rule

Writer: WealWeal

Hiaa PohTayToh! I hope you're doing okay!

I've got a new challenge on my hands and I'd like your help!

I've talked about this topic a bit in the past and across my social medias, but due to YouTube's new requirements, I got kicked from the partner programme.

This is sorta really upsetting and no - its not 100% about the money. With being a partner you get all sorts of privileges, one I really liked was being able to link my website +/- patreon at the end of my videos or in the i cards.

Rather than being upset about it tho (I mean, I've already thrown my hissy fits now so we good to go! thats in the past!), i've decided to take on the challenge!

Personally I feel the 1,000 subscribers is doable.

Currently I have 430 subscribers which is just short of half way. Ofcourse as I make more content and promote elsewhere, my subscribers can slowly but surely grow. I have been getting around 20 a month recently so each month is 20 steps closer to that 1k!

However....the 4,000 hours watch time is where I'm having the trouble.

My monthly average watch time is 12 hours .... 12 x 12 = 144 hours a year....aaand, I need 3856 more hours than that. Which means I need to be doing 28 times better!

Okay I'm sure you don't care about the statistics and gibberish as much as I do so lets just get into the main part;

I need your help.

Honestly none of the hours I have currently would be possible without you guys.

What I'm asking for is if possible, you try to keep up to date with my YouTube, watching any video that sticks out to you. And ofcourse, watching the video to the end really helps out a lot.

A huge problem I have is that I create videos on the shorter time so I need to be getting around 60,000 views a year of people constantly watching the full lengths of my videos to even come close to this 4000 hours.

You can also help out by sharing my videos around or letting someone know of my channel if you think they'll enjoy my personality and what I post c:

Sharing can also be a little retweet on twitter or a reblog on Tumblr!

There is something I'll be doing too! Ofcourse I can't just leave all the work up to you guys!! I'll be trying my hardest to produce a lot of content and hopefully slowly work up into creating weekly videos. [patreon pledges really help out a lot with allowing me to create more - $5 a month gets you access to all my videos up to a week early!].

I also want to start a video series on my channel of longer style videos, where we talk about sub topics on a topic, I'll keep you updated of what series idea I end up going with in the end!

Alongside this idea, which is also sorta related, is that I also want to try my best to make all video ideas suggested to me! - because surely if its suggested that means it's going to be watched right?!

I'm honestly a bit nervous for the future of my channel if I'm honest, but I know whatever happens its going to be chill because I've got you guys by my side!

On the homepage of this website, theres a box with some numbers in it (ooo fanccyy)!!

I'll be keeping this updated with my current watch time so you guys can see the improvements and see how close we are or how far! - transparency is one thing I will always stand by!

Thank you so much PohTayTohs!

You beans are heckin awesome and I'd be nowhere without you!

Lets smash this 4k hours together and I'll do a giveaway once we smash it!!

~ Much Love, Weal ♡

For those who like numbers etc I'll comment random statistic updates etc in the comments below throughout time


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