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Creating Content I'm Not Proud Of!

Writer: WealWeal

Creating content that I'm not proud of is something I'm currently learning to do.

As a perfectionist, I sometimes get caught in this trap of only making content if it's going to be perfect. Because obviously, if I'm wanting people to look at my content, share it, spend their time watching it etc, I need to make sure its worthwhile first. However, I think there needs to be a balance. This trap I got stuck in was that I would only film my videos if it was 11am (gives good lighting), my hair had been washed the night before, my energy levels were high enough to come across as entertaining, the weather isn't too loud it won't interrupt...and all these other stupid little requirements. If it was 2pm? Sorry I can't film anymore. If I didn't 100% have my video idea developed or only had 8 points instead of 10? Sorry I'll put that topic on hold.

Long story short, I just wouldn't end up filming. or if I did, it was such a long unnecessary process.

And that is why, I'm learning the create content I'm not proud of.

My content doesn't have to be perfect. Of course, I want it the closest it can be to it! But opportunities shouldn't be missed just to make sure everything down to my eye lashes are perfect.

So I'm going to stop worrying about if its the stablest light of the day or if its the quietest environment or if my idea is good enough or not, and go for it! and try my best to make it the best I can despite the circumstances given to me.

It is best to create something 'bad' than to create nothing at all.

And the truth is, my bad is probably someone elses good. The people who look up to me probably don't hold me to the standard I hold myself. They won't notice these slight mistakes I beat myself up over and delete whole 20 minutes worth of footage for.

It is better to create something than nothing at all.

So get your creative boots on and go create something!!

A child doesn't worry about if their picture of a giraffe is accurate enough or not, and neither should you, just enjoy yourself and enjoy the process and create something!

~ Much Love, Weal



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