I treated myself to some pupper ears from a lovely handmade store, preciouslilmoon. I had been searching for the perfect pair of puppy ears for such a long time. They had to be...well, perfect! I'm very picky on my ears as I only really buy 1 new pair every year or two, and, its like a little investment and I like them to be perfect for me so I can enjoy them for years to come.
The ears actually appeared on my explore feed on instagram thanks to CuddlesAndClaws liking them, they were pug ones. At first I was a little put off by the fact they had a bell (just not my thing! personally!), But Jadalyn(cuddlesandclaws) hyped me up and the next day - I purchased them bad boys!
I can NOT explain to you the excitement I felt when they arrived. They came all the way from America....which usually means a customs charge of £14.50, BUT NOT THIS TIME!
The ears were shockingly so close to my hair, and nice n smol. I had 3 requirements for the pup ears I was searching for;
1. Matched my hair colour (or atleast similar)
2. Smol, not too big and obnoxious (as i'd say I relate to smaller breeds of dogs more)
3. Bent over (flopped?) style.
Puppy ears from: PreciousLilMoon
Purchasing from this store was honestly such a pleasant experience and the shop owner is so sweet and wonderful. The ears are soft as heck and I love them so hard!!